'Against The Tide' is the story of a young girl named Ndidi; the third child of her parents, who had to leave her family to stay with a distant relative after the death of her father. The story follows her ordeals, hardship she passed through, abuses she was exposed to and what eventually happened to her.

'Against The Tide' is a well written fictional story that highlights certain issues concerning child labour and abuse as evident in household slavery, street hawking and sexual molestation. The book tries to pick up causes and effects and goes on to make little effort in proffering solution.

The book has gotten the endorsement of Media and Academic personalities. See 'Against The Tide; A Minor's Dilemma' on Facebook for excerpts and more information on our campaign against child abuse.

To get the hardcopy of this book, for individual purchase or for distribution, send an SMS to 08051961924

To get the softcopy of the book, click here 

To see an excerpt from the first chapter of the book, click here

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